Saturday, October 8, 2016

Gafesummit Spreading Smile In Every Classroom.

Mpumalanga Team attended the GAFESUMMIT 2016
A teacher smile is very important in every classroom.  I know that now. I attended the recent Google Apps for Education - Gafesummit at  Dainfern College on the 02-03 September 2016. I felt energized, excited to spread a full smile back to my home town in every teachers' face.

I listened to every positive speakers that shared a platform with me, in the auditorium, in different sessions, between sessions.
Yes they "disrupted" my knowledge system with all the innovations they brought in the gafesummit. My first session was on coding with, Gmath was fantastic work for Maths Teachers added together with TextHelp. Great for teachers that I will soon be hosting the TextHelp presentation soon at my Centre. All was disrupted by lunch hour where I met Mariam Asiedo from Ghana, I was further disrupted in my journey to technology for two days.
Mariam Asiedo and me during lunch hour at gafesummit 
Demo Slam - disrupt, transform and develop teachers digitally! Fantastic Experience!!! 

Aha! I landed in a disrupted classroom call Google Classroom by Anthony Egbers from Dainfern College. He is my Google Education Group real friend. We usually meet in the GEG South Africa GEG South Africa+ Page, sharing amazing Google tools for education and now he is taking us in to a real journey of Google Classroom. "Isn't that great to spread a real smile face to face?" I was disrupted and developed at the same time. To be precise, we all belong to this classroom, no hassle, no risk, no mess just be in a disruptive and transformed classroom and feel the energy to spread the smile.